Information for Party Leaders

How to book a snowsports or activity holiday

  1. Contact TGM Holidays to discuss your potential holiday.
  2. Place a ‘no obligation’ provisional booking with TGM holidays.
  3. Discuss the potential holiday with your SLT at school or college and obtain their permission to operate the holiday. This may also involve a request to your school governors for their permission to proceed.
  4. Advise TGM Holidays that you have permission and are proceeding to advertise the holiday.
  5. Discuss the potential holiday with your colleagues and seek their interest of working with you on the holiday team.
  6. Produce a holiday information letter, outlining the holiday, dates of travel, price and stage payment dates and send out to children and parents. Advise them of the deposit amount required (usually £100) and a cut off date by which it has to be paid. Also advise them that there are limited places and the holiday will be sold on a first come, first served basis.
  7. When you have sold the agreed number of places or reached the cut off date, stop selling the holiday. Contact TGM Holidays to confirm the numbers and arrange to pay our deposit invoice to secure your holiday. We also suggest you keep a small ‘wait list’ for students who wish to go but have missed the booking deadline. This will cover you for any students who drop out.
  8. Advise parents and children that the trip is proceeding and confirm to them in writing that they have a place on the holiday. Also remind them of the agreed future stage payment amounts and dates, together with information relating to behaviour contracts and no refunds of any monies if they are removed from the trip at any stage due to a behaviour issue. Advise parents that children will need a passport and an EU Health card.
  9. TGM Holidays will send you various documents and information so that you can proceed to complete the necessary risk assessment for the trip to proceed.
    Have a meeting with your staff team to allocate roles and responsibilities prior to the holiday.
  10. A copy of your holiday insurance document will also be sent to you which should also be passed to parents. We will provide you with a link to our website where parents can view the document.
  11. If you do not hold the Snowsports Holiday Organisers Award (SCO) then book yourself on a course. TGM Holidays usually operate an annual course. This is a one day course and is valid for all schools and colleges and is accepted by all county councils and other risk assessment management approvers.
  12. Arrange a parents and children pre-holiday presentation. TGM will attend the meeting and operate a presentation relating to the holiday and clothing requirements if you wish.
  13. Advise TGM Holidays of all details of all travellers. TGM Holidays will provide a spreadsheet for completion.
  14. Arrange a pre-holiday meeting with children to collect / check any necessary documents such as passports and EU Health cards. Collect any spending money from children so it can be held securely. Circulate the final itinerary to parents and children together with departure date, location and time. Remind children of travel details and to bring any books, tablets etc for the journey. Check any special medication arrangements for any children and any special dietary requirements and advise TGM Holidays accordingly.
  15. Have a final meeting with your staff team to confirm roles and responsibilities and allocate groups of children to each member for the purposes of supervision whilst travelling.
  16. Appoint a base contact and advise them of your contact details and those of TGM Holidays should parents or school wish to contact you during the trip.
    Depart and enjoy!